Frequently Asked Questions


How may we help you? You can use this page to quickly find answers to common questions about the Nature Education Centre.

If you are not able to find the answer to your question, please call us on (08) 8357 3413. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to address your questions and concerns!

My school, kindergarten or childcare centre is not currently a member, can I join?

Yes, please do! Click HERE to become a member.

I don’t work at a school, kindergarten or childcare centre, can I join as a private member and still borrow animals?

No, unfortunately we are unable to accept any more private members.

Can I sign up to membership and book loans immediately?

Your payment for membership must have cleared in our system before you have access to our loan catalogue. Please call us for more details on this.

Can I have more than one loan animal, kit or item at a time?

Yes, absolutely! However, during busy periods we may ask that you keep to a maximum of 5-6 pieces so all our members have fair access to our resources.

Are all weekly loans Monday-Monday?

No, loan periods are for 8 days, e.g. Collection on a Wednesday = Return on a Wednesday.

Do I need to feed the loan animal over the weekend?

Yes, you are responsible for the care and welfare of any animal you have on loan. You will either need to come into the school/kindergarten/etc to feed OR take the loan animals home over the weekend.

I’m not the Contact Person on the Membership, can I still book a loan?

Yes, please call us to arrange all loans.

My school membership has lapsed, how do I rejoin?

Click HERE to purchase another Annual Membership.

I’m moving schools, can I take my membership with me?

Unfortunately, the NEC Membership belongs to the school. Your new school would have to sign up for NEC Membership.

The Contact Person has now left the school, how do I change the membership details?

Click HERE to edit your Membership Details. If you have any problems doing this please call us.

Does Membership follow the School Calendar Year?

No, Membership is for 12-months from the date of joining.

My password doesn’t work, how can I reset it to login?

Click HERE to reset your Login Details.

I’m a teacher/volunteer at an educational institute that isn’t a member of The NEC. Can I join as a private member and take loan items into the school/kindergarten/etc with me?

Yes, however you would be responsible for the care of loan animals, kits and items.