
Steve Walker
Steve works as an Education Officer at Green Adelaide, within the Department for Environment and Water. Nature Education is a key focus outcome for Green Adelaide, we are very excited to strengthen this link and work together.
“My role has a broad focus on supporting local schools and preschools to plan and undertake sustainability initiatives that enable students, teachers, school staff and the broader school community to take action on local issues. I work within the Central team and as part of the wider Green Adelaide education team to help schools and preschools embed sustainability into their learning programs and management practices.”
– Steve Walker

Katja Hogendoorn
Katja works as a researcher at the University of Adelaide, where she studies issues related to needs and crop pollination. In her spare time she raises awareness about native bees and their needs.
“My focus is on educating people, especially young people, about the importance of food for bees and other insects in the landscape. Eight out of ten animal spieces are insects. They are essential for soil functioning, biological control, nutrient recycling and pollination. Insects are also the main food source for many birds, small mammals, reptiles and amphibians. By planting local native food plants for bees and other insects, we can all contribute to the protection of our unique biodiversity.”
– Katja Hogendoorn