The Bearded Dragon has a low wide body shape which allows it to hug surfaces when it is lying down. When walking, however, it walks with a high gait and can move with considerable speed. You may catch a glimpse of these sun-loving dragons on the side of an outback highway, or patrolling for insects in a woodland clearing. Like other species of dragon, this lizard relies on more bluff than bite; trying to appear larger and spikier than it really is to any potential predator.
Minimum loan period is 1 week, maximum loan period is 2 weeks. Each loan animal is provided with food for the loan period, tank and a “How to Keep” sheet. Our Bearded Dragons can be handled under strictly controlled and supervised conditions, more information can be found on the “How to Keep” sheet.
We recommend our members do a full risk assessment for the loan acknowledging the individuality of each classroom environment and the students therein.
Please CALL us to arrange all loans, booking is essential, with 24 hours notice required.
Please note our hot weather policy – we will not allow animals to be transported in temperatures above 35°C. If this is forecast we will call to make alternative arrangements.
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